Tea: Health, Beauty And Wellness

To put it very simply, Tea is a biggest stress buster. Tea has a number of health benefits and it's packed full of nutrients. There have a been a number of studies that have shown a plethora of health benefits that include fighting cancer, teeth and bone health, improved digestion, protecting skin, and boosting the immune system, and that's to name a few! Modern research has shown some of the vitamins and minerals that tea contains as well as their benefits to human health.

B1, Thiamin: Enhances circulation and blood formation. It's also a critical element in the cognitive function and brain activity. B1 is also important in proper digestion and keeping a healthy appetite.

In modern times when work stress is high, Tea has appeared as a Mother Drink of Solace. Being recognized as a health drink it helps reduce mental stress, helps alleviate coronary problems, enhances skin complexion, improves hair glow, digestive system, strengthens nervous system and recharges your adrenaline.

B2, Riboflavin: Also important for blood health, B2 helps with anti-body production and red blood cell formation, growth, and respiration. It helps metabolize carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. It helps with dandruff, skin, hair, and nail health, as well as aids in the absorption of B6 and iron.

B6, Niacin: B6 helps with many bodily functions that affect mental and physical health. It is a critical aspect of nervous system health and proper brain function. B6 helps maintain sodium and potassium levels and promotes red blood cell formation.

Vitamin C: Everybody knows that vitamin C is essential for optimum health. It is a powerful antioxidant and is required for proper metabolic function. It helps boost the immune system as well as keeps your tissues healthy and aids in the production of anti-stress hormones.

Vitamin K: Is essential for proper blood clotting as well as bone formation and repair. It plays in important role in intestinal health and with the conversion glucose into glycogen for a healthy liver.

Manganese: Imperative for proper nerve health, immunity, blood sugar regulation, and metabolizing fat and proteins. It also helps with the production of cartilage and synovial fluid for joint health.

Potassium: Another important mineral for nerve health which also helps with heart rhythm. It aids in proper muscle contraction and controls the body’s water balance. It also helps with the transference of nutrients through the cell membranes.

Zinc: Very important for men's health, this mineral keeps the prostate healthy as well as other reproductive organs. It promotes a healthy immune system and protects the liver from chemical damage.

Some of The Teas At My Tea House And Their Benefit

Chamomile: calms, reduces headache and stress, warming.

Peppermint: good for digestion, bad breath, can open airways, mild stimulant (not like caffeine).

Gunpowder Green: these are green tea leaves, and Gunpowder is one of my favorite flavors of green tea. I add it to other mixtures because green tea is very nutritional and can boost energy by providing a mild form of caffeine.

Melissa: (Lemon Balm): sooths sore throats, slight lemon flavor, relaxing.

Nettle: (Jathropa) reduces symptoms of hay fever and mild allergies, dark green leafy nutrition, high in iron.

Rose Hips: Vitamin C, flavorful.

Calendula: (Magnolia) sooths sore throats and boosts immunity during illness.

St. John’s Wort: (Amber, Goatweed, Klamath Weed) calms nerve pain and headache, antidepressant, mildly sweet flavor. Use sparingly.

Elderberries: (Ber) Elderberry is useful for Common cold/sore throat, herpes simplex, inflammation and influenza (flu), asthma, bronchitis and sinusitis. vitamin C, great for fighting cold and flu season!

Lavender: mild astringent for sore throats, floral, calming.

The detox quality of tea is well known. Recently the researchers have discovered that the beverage can also help prevent cancer. A new research has found that you can cut down the risks of developing cancer if you have a cup of the beverage daily, as tea helps shrink cancerous tumours. Tim Bond of the Tea Advisory Panel in UK says, “The study has demonstrated that components in the black tea can help- shrink and kill cancer cells and / or result in helping to reduce the number of tumours.”

224/Y, 100 Feet Ring Road, Near Sri Kamakya Theatre, Banashankari 3rd Stage, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560085 ~ Ph : (080) 6597 5430
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